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SmartFiler: Automated document filing

SmartFiler is estimated to save GP practices 42 appointments per week per full time GP. For a three GP practice, that's an extra 3.4 clinical days freed up per week.

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Process correspondence from all sources

SmartFiler accepts incoming clinical letters from a variety of sources, including Docman, emails and scanned letters. These are then processed with large language models to parse the patient's and sender's identities, as well as the clinical content of the letter.


Automated risk assessment

The content of each letter is assessed for risk factors including safeguarding concerns, vulnerability, new diagnoses/investigations. Changes to medications, and opportunities for extra QOF points to be earned, are also highlighted.


Codes saved back to the record

All correspondence are SNOMED coded and filed away with a logical file name, allowing searches to identify groups of similar letters, such as hospital discharge or unscheduled presentations


Onward actions to relevant staff

The system automatically suggests onward actions, which can then be edited/modified/added to by the user. Recipients of onwards actions receive notifications with the full context of what they've been asked to do.

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Elder woman and her caretaker

Get in Touch

If you would like to book a demo of SmartLife click here

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